Welcome To Pragya Balika Inter College
Message From Manager

From manager desk


It is my privilege to give a message for the Pragya balka inter College its staff and student. we live in a word of amazingly fast, instant and high- speed exchange of information and knowledge. what happen in a particular place can be and is often instantly known all over the world. for student of pbic too, past and present as well as the many well wishers of this institution, as I was talking on the ground of our college,I come across to saw several activities. the student of pbic showing their zeal and keenness to learn.

Swami Vivekanand said" education is the manifestation of perfection already in men" so dear students you have the strength to learn and to perform, my blessings are with you all.

May pbic continue to be truly a beacon of education leading to authentic tolerance, absolute need of today's India, thereby forming it's students towards becoming future citizen with character, conscience, competence, commitment and compassion in our country. jai bharat!Jai hind!

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